Monday, July 13, 2009

The Wolf

I was hunting in the woods without a weapon. There was snow on the trail that I was following. I noticed some rustling to my right and saw an enormous moose. The moose was quite perturbed that I had shown up in his woods, and began to chase me.

I ran with all I had, flying past trees and rocks. As I looked behind me, the moose had become covered in snow, yet still charged. I eventually lost it, but did not slow down. At this point, I was running on all fours just as fast and as naturally as on two legs. I turned a corner on the trail and came face to face with a wolf who was also displeased by my presence. Knowing I could neither outrun nor outmaneuver the wolf, I braced myself to fight it. It lunged at me and I thrust my right hand into its mouth, firmly taking hold of its jaw. I pulled it close to myself so that it could no longer move, and finally, after minutes of struggle, it submitted.

1 comment:

Hudson Warwick said...

Just like you to not kill the wolf. I think I would have in my dreams. I really appreciate that aspect about you, if it is indeed there. I believe I have seen it before in your life, but I can't pinpoint where. I really wonder if I have respect for life that I don't care about.