Monday, July 13, 2009

The Darkness

I was sitting in my living room late at night. The only light was the eerie glow from the computer screen casting an unnatural light in the room. I noticed something in the shadows by the front door. I couldn't see it, but I knew it was there. It was a bad thing, and it meant me harm. I tried to stand to prepare myself for whatever might emerge from the darkness, but I immediately collapsed to the floor, unable to control my body. I looked into the darkness, aware that the bad thing was still there, and tried to yell at it. Yet, what proceeded from deep within me was an animal-like growl and movements that were animal-like as well, and out of my control. I again collapsed, and tried to crawl back to my bedroom, knowing that if I could get to my bed and under my covers, I would be safe. All I could do was push myself up with my arms and try drag my lifeless legs behind me, inches at a time, hoping that I could make it to my room in time.

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