Monday, July 27, 2009

A Nazi named Solomon

I emerged from the crawlspace that led to the roof with my companion. There was already a slight tension in the air and we had not even begun to talk. Besides the differences in basic personality, there was another key thing that created an awkward divide between us. He was a Nazi. And his name, ironically, was Solomon.

He was your stereotypical aryan- golden hair, sky-blue eyes. Additionally, he was tall and well built. We were traveling along rooftops, to where I don't know. A light rain began to fall- so light that it could hardly be called rain. The clouds were backlit by a sun that sat low on the horizon.

"I want to enjoy peace," I said, finally breaking the tension and addressing the elephant in the room.

"What peace?" he responded, "There is no peace in the world. There is war and strife. What peace?"

I was taken aback by his question. I was not naive. I was well aware of the state of the world.

"Succumbing to war is not the same as acknowledging war," I said, "I want to be an agent of peace rather than chaos."

He was silent as we continued walking. I noticed his military uniform- perfectly pressed, cleaned, and fitted. His calf-high, black army boots cracked roof tiles with every step.

He is bred for war, I thought. There is no reaching him.

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